Blog Post #5


  • A paragraph about your early experiences using Twitter(X)/Instagram for your Personal Learning Network. With whom have you been interacting and how have you found it beneficial? How might Twitter(X)/Instagram be helpful in your future career?
  • A paragraph about the digital divide. How does the digital divide affect student success in schools? What are some causes of the digital divide? Reflect on what you may experience as a classroom teacher and how this will affect your teaching strategies.
  • A paragraph about academic software for students. Identify two software tools you would like to implement in your future classroom. Describe the software tools and why you would like to use them with your future students.

My early experience using Twitter or X for my Personal Learning Network is minimal since I have been locked out of my account. However, the ban has been lifted, so I will be able to catch up on assignments with it this week! 
The digital divide is the fact that some places and/or generations are not as comfortable with technology as others who may be younger or live in a more urban area. It affects students because in schools in more rural areas, less students have access to the tools needed to learn in todays day and age, so the teacher has to adapt their curriculum to meet everyone where they are. I'm sure as a teacher, I will encounter an issue like this at some point. My plan is to help them find a place where internet access is free and/or people can use technology, such as a library, and help them catch up to their peers in terms of digital literacy. 
I think the most helpful tools we have learned about so far are Diigo and padlet. Both of these are academic software where students can comment on a common file or on each others personal ones, and everyone can see each others comments. I think this fosters community and working together, as well as helping everyone see new ideas in the classroom. 


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