Blog Post #9


  • A paragraph about your experiences in EME2040. What do you like about your classroom experience? What do you dislike about your classroom experience? When you are a teacher, what is something you can do to help improve the classroom experience? 
  • A paragraph about open educational resources (OER).  Describe these resources in your own words. Find an online resource (blog post about OER, examples of OER materials, an article about OER, etc.), provide a brief synopsis, and post the link to your blog.
  • A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on Assignment 4: PowerPoint for Information Dissemination. Reflect on what you like/don’t like about this assignment and how you can improve it next time. 

I have never taken a class like EME2040. Most teachers do not think of social media as a valid educational tool, and it has been interesting to see how modern teachers are using it in their classrooms. My favorite day of class was when we went to the technology sandbox. I think something that would improve the classroom experience would be to get out of the classroom more like we did that day! 
Open educational resources are a great free tool for teachers to use in their classrooms. However, I did find the website difficult to navigate, with many links not being real. However, the resource I chose was a middle school level visual arts lecture, introducing adobe illustrator. I used this application in high school and this video would have been so helpful! 
I have never used Microsoft Powerpoint before this class, so this project is a big learning curve for me. The most difficult part for me has been the navigation buttons and making sure they work. I have had to watch lots of YouTube tutorials for this project haha. However, I think it has been so fun to make an activity and thinking of how kids would use it. 


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