
Blog Post #10

New skills I acquired from Project 3 are how to more effectivley use PowerPoint. I have never used this platform before, so it was very difficult. One thing I liked about this assignment is the creative freedom we had. One thing I did not like was how tedious some of the tasks were. I understand that we have to prove mastery of the subject, but I spent waay too long adding buttons to the slides.  There are lots of different ways to use data collection as an educator. In the future, I see myself collecting student data for in-class activities as well as help the class get to know each other better. In school my teacher showed us how statistics work by having us fill out surveys. Then those surveys were used to create graphs!  A technology related skill I would like to learn next is how to code. I've just thought that was always a really cool skill. I plan to do this by taking a class! I hope it isnt too difficult. 



Classroom Rules


Blog Post #9

  A paragraph about your experiences in EME2040. What do you like about your classroom experience? What do you dislike about your classroom experience? When you are a teacher, what is something you can do to help improve the classroom experience?  A paragraph about open educational resources (OER).  Describe these resources in your own words. Find an online resource (blog post about OER, examples of OER materials, an article about OER, etc.), provide a brief synopsis, and  post the link to your blog. A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on Assignment 4: PowerPoint for Information Dissemination. Reflect on what you like/don’t like about this assignment and how you can improve it next time.  I have never taken a class like EME2040. Most teachers do not think of social media as a valid educational tool, and it has been interesting to see how modern teachers are using it in their classrooms. My favorite day of class was when we went to the technology sandbox. I think somethi

Creative Commons lisence

  <p xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dct=""><span property="dct:title">Paige's Work</span> by <span property="cc:attributionName">Paige Liebel</span> is licensed under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener noreferrer" style="display:inline-block;">CC BY-NC 4.0<img style="height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src=""><img style="height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src=""><img style="height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="

Blog Post #5

  A paragraph about your early experiences using  Twitter(X)/Instagram for your Personal Learning Network.  With whom have you been interacting and how have you found it beneficial? How might  Twitter(X)/Instagram  be helpful in your future career? A paragraph about the digital divide. How does the digital divide affect student success in schools? What are some causes of the digital divide? Reflect on what you may experience as a classroom teacher and how this will affect your teaching strategies. A paragraph about academic software for students. Identify two software tools you would like to implement in your future classroom. Describe the software tools and why you would like to use them with your future students. My early experience using Twitter or X for my Personal Learning Network is minimal since I have been locked out of my account. However, the ban has been lifted, so I will be able to catch up on assignments with it this week!  The digital divide is the fact that some places a